Beijing Lanetech Square Co., Ltd.
Beijing Lanetech Square Co., Ltd.

Leeb Hardness Testing

A portable Leeb hardness tester is a handheld device used to measure the hardness of a material. It is designed for on-site or field use, providing quick and accurate hardness readings without the need for laboratory testing. The tester works by applying a known force with a diamond-tipped indenter onto the material’s surface, creating an indentation. The depth of the indentation is then measured, and the hardness value is determined based on the indentation size. Portable Lee hardness testers are commonly used in industries such as manufacturing, construction, and automotive for quality control, material selection, and maintenance purposes.



The working principle of the Leeb hardness tester is based on the concept of Leeb hardness proposed by Dr. Leeb from Switzerland. The hardness value is calculated by the ratio of the rebound speed of the punch at a distance of 1mm from the surface of the sample to the impact speed of a specified mass of impact body under elastic force at a certain speed. The calculation formula is as follows:


In the formula: HL - Leeb hardness value

VB - Rebound velocity of impact body

VA - Impact velocity of the impactor

leeb hardness testing method

Lee Hardness tester recommended models: UH300TH110TH210TH300TH200;  TH320;
